
tea leaves Learn more about tea leaves

  • Fine varieties of tea

    Fine varieties of tea

    Breeding and popularizing fine tea varieties is a fundamental measure to improve the quality and yield of tea and increase the economic benefits of growing tea. From a large number of production practice and scientific research results, it is proved that the selection of excellent tea varieties plays a role in tea production in many aspects: first, it can increase the yield. Tea yield is determined by comprehensive factors such as the number and weight of buds and leaves per unit area, the growth rate of buds and leaves in the annual growth period, the length of vegetative growth period and so on. Under the same conditions, different varieties have different yield factors, so the yield is different.

  • When is the tea usually picked in our country? What are the technical points?

    When is the tea usually picked in our country? What are the technical points?

    What we usually call tea generally refers to the leaves and buds of tea trees, which can be eaten, used medicinally and brewed for drinking, and need to be picked and processed. When is the tea usually picked? What are the technical points? 1. The basic situation of tea. The distribution of tea and

    2020-11-09 In our country tea generally is when picking technology
  • Tea tree picking technology

    Tea tree picking technology

    (2) Tea picking: the object of tea picking is the new shoot, which is the main nutritional organ of tea tree and the "factory" for tea tree to produce nutrients. in order to solve this contradiction, the key is to carry out reasonable picking. Reasonable picking is to correctly solve the relationship between picking and retaining leaves according to the growth characteristics of tea trees. Through picking, we can achieve the combination of increasing yield and improving quality, increasing production in the same year and season and prolonging the economic age of tea trees. Tea picking should master the following links. 1. In accordance with the standards and

  • Management of tea tree crown

    Management of tea tree crown

    1. Tea pruning is an important measure in crown management. Pruning includes stereotyped pruning in infancy, light and deep pruning in adult tea gardens, re-pruning and table cutting in aging tea gardens. The main results are as follows: (1) stereotyped pruning of young tea trees: 3 or 4 times of stereotyped pruning in young tea trees can inhibit the apical dominance of the trunk of young tea trees, promote the germination of axillary buds, increase the number of backbone branches, and quickly form a robust picking surface with a certain height. The first stereotyped pruning of ① was carried out after the cuttings were transplanted. When the transplanted seedlings are as high as 25cm

  • Is Maojian green tea?

    Is Maojian green tea?

    Is Maojian green tea?

  • Distinguish spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea by dry leaves

    Distinguish spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea by dry leaves

    Spring tea: spring tea is characterized by tight knots, fat and heavy buds and leaves, rich aroma and occasional young fruits the size of mung beans. Summer tea: the rope is loose, the tea is light and loose, the tender stalk is thin and long, the tea fruit is the size of a rosary, the bud tip is often fluffy, and the aroma is slightly old. Autumn tea: tea is of different sizes, the leaves are thin and thin, and the aroma is peaceful, occasionally sandwiched with tea buds and flowers. Winter tea: the appearance color of tea is slightly light emerald green, the yellow piece of Mao tea is a little more, and the overall color is uneven.

  • Varieties of Longjing tea

    Varieties of Longjing tea

    Longjing tea is a treasure of tea, and "Xihu Longjing Tea" is famous for its "green color, fragrance, mellow taste and beautiful shape". The quality characteristics of high-grade Longjing tea are as follows: the appearance is quite sharp, flat and smooth, Miao Feng is exposed, the color is green and slightly yellow, the aroma is high, fresh and quiet, the taste is sweet and fresh, the soup color of apricot green is clear and bright, and the bottom of the leaf is tender and even into flowers. Because Longjing tea has a unique style, strict quality requirements and strong seasonality, it is also very particular about the choice of varieties. Generally speaking, the varieties suitable for making Longjing tea should have

  • Picking and fresh leaf treatment technology of famous tea

    Picking and fresh leaf treatment technology of famous tea

    The quality of famous tea depends largely on fresh leaf raw materials, but in recent years, the quality consciousness of tea farmers has declined, especially in the picking process, which affects the quality of famous tea. The technology of picking famous tea and processing fresh leaves is introduced to tea farmers. First, the picking of famous tea fresh leaves raw materials requirements are extremely strict, the selected raw materials should be uniform in thickness, complete, fresh, clean, it is strictly prohibited to mix with disease and insect leaves, damaged leaves and scales, fish leaves, purple buds, not to mention the pedicle, tea fruit and old leaves and other sundries.

  • How much is Wufeng Maojian?

    How much is Wufeng Maojian?

    How much is Wufeng Maojian?

  • What are the diseases and insect pests of tea?

    What are the diseases and insect pests of tea?

    What should be noticed in the process of tea cultivation? Please point out the following tea cultivation methods for your reference: 1, nursery and young tea garden field management timely clean up the nursery and young tea garden stones and other debris, remove stagnant water, straighten the tea seedlings, cut the injured young tea seedlings at the injured site with scissors; count as soon as possible.

  • Tea insider exposure subverts your whole understanding of tea, whether you drink tea or not.

    Tea insider exposure subverts your whole understanding of tea, whether you drink tea or not.

    Speaking of Dahongpao, it has to be said that Wuyi Mountain has a dual cultural and natural heritage of the world. The national 5A tourist scenic spot is famous for its beautiful scenery and original natural environment, as well as for the rock tea produced in the scenic area.

  • Where is tea a specialty? What are the top ten famous teas in China?

    Where is tea a specialty? What are the top ten famous teas in China?

    Chinese tea has a long history, where is the specialty of tea, there are all kinds of tea varieties, colorful, competing for beauty, like a hundred gardens in spring, making thousands of miles of mountains and rivers particularly enchanting. For example, Tieguanyin is produced in Anxi, Fujian, and Dahongpao is Wuyi Mountain in Fujian.

    2020-11-09 Tea yes which specialty China top ten famous tea what are they?
  • You have to know the reason why white tea is fragile.

    You have to know the reason why white tea is fragile.

    Why is the white tea in your hands so fragile? Is the quality of tea not good or the method of preservation is not right? perhaps, you have the answer you want! Wen | Xiaobai 01 early in the morning, was called up by Laobai to help prepare a few days later.

  • How much is Anji white tea per jin? How to tell the quality?

    How much is Anji white tea per jin? How to tell the quality?

    Tea is a traditional drink for thousands of years and has been loved by the public. Anji white tea is a kind of popular tea. So how much is the price of Anji white tea per jin? First, the price of Anji white tea in different producing areas, corporate brands, picking time

    2020-11-08 Anji white tea price more less money one jin how to distinguish quality
  • How to lose the leaves of Jinhua tea? learn 5 tips to save easily / bask in the sun more and move less pots.

    How to lose the leaves of Jinhua tea? learn 5 tips to save easily / bask in the sun more and move less pots.

    Golden scented tea, a very beautiful plant, has crystal clear leaves and dazzling golden colors, which people like from the bottom of their hearts. In life, because of the beauty of golden tea, many people keep it at home. But in the process of breeding, many flower friends will encounter the situation of losing their leaves, so what about the leaves of Jinhua tea?

  • Discrimination of spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea

    Discrimination of spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea

    Spring tea: due to moderate temperature and abundant rainfall in spring, coupled with the recuperation of tea trees in autumn and winter, spring tea buds and leaves are fat, emerald-green, soft, fresh and fragrant. In the literature of all previous dynasties in China, there are records of "spring tea is the most expensive". Summer tea: due to the hot weather, tea buds and leaves grow rapidly, and the extracts that can be dissolved in the tea soup are relatively reduced, so that the tea taste is not as fresh as spring tea, the aroma is not as strong as spring tea, and the taste is more bitter. But summer tea is high in theanine and caffeine, so it is suitable for

  • Should tea be treated with pesticides? Is there pesticide residue in tea leaves? Should the tea soup be poured out first?

    Should tea be treated with pesticides? Is there pesticide residue in tea leaves? Should the tea soup be poured out first?

    Pesticides are now everywhere on agricultural products. Pesticides are on tea leaves. When someone makes tea, they run for the first time and don't drop it. Don't drink it. Is this correct? How to reduce the risk of pesticide intake when drinking tea? Director, Tea Improvement Farm, Council of Agriculture

    2019-01-11 tea leaves need to be treated with pesticides yes residue first bubble whether or not
  • How much is Anji white tea?

    How much is Anji white tea?

    How much is Anji white tea?

  • Fuding White Tea: what's so special about drinking spring white tea?

    Fuding White Tea: what's so special about drinking spring white tea?

    With the recovery of all things and the rise of Yang Qi, the internal heat toxin accumulated in the internal organs of the human body also began to appear in spring dryness, resulting in exuberant liver fire, body inflammation, oral ulcers, sore throat, constipation, spots and other symptoms. Plus the weather is getting warmer in spring.

  • Is it better to pick tea in the morning or in the afternoon? When is the best time for tea to be picked? what is the third or fifth tea?

    Is it better to pick tea in the morning or in the afternoon? When is the best time for tea to be picked? what is the third or fifth tea?

    A tea-picking girl will always be a girl.
